Transform your everyday life effortlessly

A life without pain

Pain relief is one of the main medical benefits of cannabis oil.

More than 1.5 billion people people worldwide live with chronic pain.

Many of these individuals suffer from neuropathic pain, or nerve-related pain.

Studies show that the compounds in cannabis activates pathways in the central nervous system that block pain signals from being sent to the brain.

Even an FDA-approved trial in 2013 confirmed the efficacy of cannabis in relieving pain.

Deep Sleep

Having trouble sleeping?

Recent research suggests it may also improve breathing and reduce sleep disruptions.

Trials conducted in the 1970s found that oral doses of THC oil helped insomniacs fall asleep more quickly, such as those suffering from sleep apnea.

Enhances the senses

You may not consider this among the other health benefits of cannabis. 

Cannabis used with intention and in the right doses provides countless benefits.

From life-changing revelations, to increased creativity, to deeper personal insight.

For many people, the effects of THC provide very real psychological benefits.

Cultures around the world have incorporated the plant into spiritual ceremonies and rituals for this very purpose.


This is our choice to help combat sleep disorders and chronic pain.

The power of this oil relaxes the entire nervous system and will leave you feeling calm mentally and physically.

Highly recommended if you are looking for a good night’s sleep or relief of stress and/or anxiety.

Currently available as 30 & 60 ml.


This oil is an energizing sativa dominant strain that will elevate your mood and calm your anxious mind.

Highly recommended for daytime use when you need that extra boost of energy or creativity.

As the name states, this oil will put a smile on your face and fill your spirit with joy.

Currently available as 30 & 60 ml.

Spanish Red Rose

This is our limited-edition oil. Spanish Red Rose stems from one of our favorite seedbanks and it’s been an absolute pleasure to create an oil for our collection.

SRR will lift your mood, relax your mind and put you in a festive spirit.

Currently available only as 30 ml.

  • Anti-tumor

  • Anti-tumor

  • Anti-tumor

  • Anti-tumor

Cannabis Oil and other cannabis compounds have strong anti-cancer potential.

There are three distinct ways in which cannabis affects cancer.

The first is through a process called apoptosis, which is an immune function that causes cells to self-destruct when they are damaged or diseased.

"[Cannabis] makes apoptosis that tells the cancer cell to go kill itself. It's literally a key that turns a lock and tells the cell to kill itself," Dr. Smith said.

The cannabinoid can prevent a tumor from forming blood vessels, starving the cancer cells by cutting off their supply of food and oxygen.

In laboratory models, the compounds in cannabis appear to prevent cancer cells from metastasizing.

As Dr. Smith explained, "it prevents the cancer cell from leaving the colony of other cancer cells and going to form its own metastatic zone in the body."

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Anti-inflammatory

Did you know...

Inflammation is a hot topic in the health world these days.

Chronic inflammation is considered a major risk factor for all kinds of diseases.

In depression there's an inflammatory component.

Also arthritis, Inflammation contributes to pain, stiffness and poor health over time.

Many people curious about cannabis go for CBD to control inflammation. However, THC also plays big a role.

Research suggests that, in some cases, THC can decrease the production of cytokine and chemokine compounds in the body.

These findings may explain why so many consumers find relief through the numerous health benefits of cannabis.

The cannabinoid can prevent a tumor from forming blood vessels, starving the cancer cells by cutting off their supply of food and oxygen.

In laboratory models, the compounds in cannabis appear to prevent cancer cells from metastasizing.

As Dr. Smith explained, "it prevents the cancer cell from leaving the colony of other cancer cells and going to form its own metastatic zone in the body."

  • Anti-convulsant

  • Anti-convulsant

  • Anti-convulsant

  • Anti-convulsant

In the world of epilepsy, CBD often gets all the credit.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating relative to THC, and the cannabinoid has successfully reduced seizure activity in clinical trials.

Many fail to realize, however, that THC also has anticonvulsant properties.

Research on the anticonvulsant properties of THC has been more or less halted due to all of the interest in CBD.

However, early research on the cannabinoid tells a different story.

Studies conducted in the 70s found that the psychoactive compound successfully reduced seizures in animal models, including baboons.

One small study conducted in the 1940s found that THC treatment successfully reduced seizures in epileptic children that were unresponsive to conventional treatment.

The cannabinoid can prevent a tumor from forming blood vessels, starving the cancer cells by cutting off their supply of food and oxygen.

In laboratory models, the compounds in cannabis appear to prevent cancer cells from metastasizing.

As Dr. Smith explained, "it prevents the cancer cell from leaving the colony of other cancer cells and going to form its own metastatic zone in the body."

Take the first step towards a painless life

Muscle relaxant

This quality is perhaps partly why the cannabis so beneficial for patients with conditions such as multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis and osteoarthritis who often experience muscle spasticity, pain and cramping.

Brain support

Believe it or not, the medical benefits of cannabis for the brain may be even greater than we think. Not only does it protect brain cells, but it also stimulates brain growth.

How does it work?
Cannabis activates the "CB1 receptor" in our brain. This stimulation promotes a process known as long-term potentiation that improves the brain's ability to learn.
Some research even suggests that cannabis can protect spatial memories..

100% organic

Why take cannabis oil?

Although it has generated a lot of criticism and many believe that it has no medicinal value, science has proven otherwise. In combination with other cannabinoids, cannabis has been found to help people cope with mental, physical and/or emotional ailments.

When taken in proper doses, putting the plant to good use as an effective supplement, your daily health and wellness can change for the better.

What people say about Pachamama


The oil is like a warm hug from a beautiful woman. You just lie down and cozy up and feel like God. It feels so good on the body.



Me ayuda a desconectar la mente, a centrarme en el momento presente y disfrutarlo. Cuando lo tomo en un ambiente animado me sube el ánimo y te hace disfrutar más y reír.

Patricia, Madrid

Smile & Spanish Red Rose

Me encantan los 2 aceites que he probado

Smile lo uso más para salir, ya que hace honor a su nombre

Spanish Red Rose es más sensitivo, calmante y me encanta para el sexo ja ja…

Silvia, Madrid

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